If you’re looking for high-performance remediation and orchestration tools for your IS, you’re probably familiar with Visual TOM.

Combined with Canopsis in a hypervision context, both solutions offer fully customizable automatic remediation to save precious time in incident resolution.

Have we piqued your curiosity? Read the debrief of the Canopsis x VTOM webinar held on June 20.

What is VTOM?

First, a look at the Visual TOM solution, or VTOM for short! From legacy to cloud, it’s the ideal tool for industrializing and orchestrating your IT processes.

Its ergonomic interface allows you to:

VTOM gives you greater efficiency, predictability and scalability.

And Canopsis?

Canopsis is the first French Open Source hypervision and observability solution that:

In other words, Canopsis is the essential cockpit for your information system.

How does Canopsis remediation with VTOM work?

One of Canopsis’ flagship features is clearly remediation. VTOM, as a scheduler, can automate all or part of the process by triggering one or more jobs to resolve the alert.

In this way, remediation becomes self-remediation.

In the event of success, the alert will not be presented and will be directly integrated into Canopsis statistics. If the alert persists after the automatic remediation has been executed, it is presented to the pilots.

Watch the replay of the Canopsis x Visual TOM Webinar

And that concludes our debrief on the Canopsis and VTOM webinar! We were delighted to co-host this event with Absyss and hope to do so again soon.

Before you leave, here is the presentation of the meeting (in French). You can also pre-register for our upcoming webinars (in French) on this page.

Any unanswered questions? Contact the Canop’Team via the website form!