Refonte de la chronologie des alarmes

Discover Canopsis Timeline makeover.


The timeline makeover aims to standardize and codify all the types of stage in which an alarm may occur:

1. Action icons in the alarm list

Timeline makeover - Alarm list icons

2. Icons in the timeline

Timeline makeover - Timeline

3. Stage grouping

Timeline makeover - Grouping of stages

Timeline makeover - Grouping of stages 2

4. Representation of periodic behavior

Timeline makeover - periodic behavior

5. Addition of a specific remediation tab for greater readability

greater readability

For more information on the timeline and all the other Canopsis features, visit the technical documentation (content in French, translation available through your browser translator). You can also contact our technical team directly via the contact form.


  • Supervision pilots

Added value

  • Operational efficiency
  • Relevance
  • Decision support
  • Time saving