Remediation Guideline feature automatically provides you with the most appropriate resolution method!
When an alarm is confirmed, a plan of remediation guidelines plan must be provided to the pilot handling the alarm.
Action plan tasks can be carried out manually, or automatically, if the environment allows.
The module is therefore accompanied by an instruction editor that allows you to:
- Define each action required and the expected result
- Associate a scheduler task (for runtime automation)
- Define average guideline application time
The pilot can:
- Check off the fact that he has performed an action
- Suggest a more appropriate execution time
- Evaluate and propose guideline improvements
Finally, the module records the time taken to resolve the alarm since the action plan was executed. This information will be transferred to the Experience of piloting to capitalize on this in general.
2022 update: In addition to Rundeck and AWX schedulers, Canopsis can perform Jenkins jobs in Remediation Guidelines.
2023 update: Visual TOM scheduler added.
For more information on Canopsis Remediation Guidelines, visit our technical documentation.

- Supervision pilots
- Application managers

Added value
- Relevance
- Decision support
- Operational efficiency