Fonctionnalité Canopsis Roadmap réception de métriques metrics reception

Benefit from metrics reception from third-party data sources!

Active feature 100%

Canopsis metrics reception allows you to integrate statistics from third-party tools, along with their values, and display them in graphical form.

Compatible format: Nagios like: < label >=value[UOM];[warn];[crit];[min];[max]

:bulb:Update 2024: Addition of the “advanced” OpenTelemetry format, integrating new observability data into Canopsis.

For more information on the metrics received and all the other features of our open-source hypervisor solution, visit the Canopsis documentation (in French, please use your browser translator to read in other languages). Any unanswered questions? Would you like to talk to our technical team about alarm counters? Contact us via the website form!


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