Enrich your data sources with Data synergy!
Active feature
Data synergy with data sources enables downward communication between Canopsis and a data source.
Triggers are available to Canopsis administrators. Once the criteria have been met, actions can be taken.
Here is a list of available triggers concerning data synergy:
- “ack” – Acknowledge an alert
- “ackremove” – Delete an acknowledgement
- “assocticket” – Associate a ticket with an alarm
- “cancel” – Cancel an event
- “changestate” – Change and lock an alarm criticality
- “comment” – Send a comment
- “create” – Create an event
- “declareticket” – Declare a ticket to a given alarm
- “done” – End an alarm
- “resolve” – Resolve an alarm
- “snooze – postpone an alarm
- “statedec” – Decrease an alarm criticality
- “stateinc” – Increase an alarm criticality
- “uncancel” – Reset an alarm
- “unsnooze” – End an alarm delay
The associated actions can be of several kinds:
- Call a third-party service for notification (ticketing, email, logs…)
- Interactions with the data source
The aim here is to provide top-down communication to the data sources that generate events in Canopsis.
When a driver sets an acknowledgement on an alarm in Canopsis, this information is transmitted to the data source.
For further information about synergy with data sources, visit the Canopsis documentation.

- Supervision pilots
- Application managers

Added value
- Operational efficiency
- Relevance