Anticipate an incident based on warning signs
with crisis scenarios!
The aim of the Crisis scenarios module is to alert the various publics that a previously modeled situation is about to occur.
Corrective measures can then be implemented to avoid the consequences of the situation.
The feature uses Machine Learning algorithms to contextualize situations identified by human analysis.
Data analysis is done retrospectively. It is therefore necessary to model the situations that must be monitored (determine objective criteria).
These criteria are therefore considered as weak signals, which, if they occur in a particular time window, will lead to the critical situation.
A probabilistic indicator is provided for each modeled situation (probability of occurrence).
For more information on the future Crisis Scenarios functionality, please visit the Canopsis documentation (in French, please use your browser translator to read in other languages)

- Supervision pilots
- Application managers
- Direction

Added value
- Relevance
- Decision support
- Continuous improvement
- Valuation