Roadmap Canopsis Fonctionnalité corrélation alarm correlation

Use alarm correlation to determine the root causes and impacts of alerts and group them together!

Active functionality 100%

The alarms presented by Canopsis are accompanied by additional information that determines whether they are the cause or consequence of another alarm.

Alarm correlation can take place at several levels:

  • Thanks to repository information describing links between components
  • Thanks to management rules defined by users / administrators
  • Thanks to control rules validated by application managers

From an operational point of view, grouping alarms that depend on each other into a meta-alarm is the ideal solution.
possible on an alarm tray, in the APIs.

The basic functions can also be applied in bulk whenever possible.

The alarm correlation results in a significant reduction in the number of alerts presented to
the user.

:bulb: Update 2024: Pre-correlation time window
Adding the possibility of introducing a delay before performing the alarm correlation. So, when an alert is eligible for a alarm correlation rule, it will only be activated at the end of the desired time delay.

For more information, visit our dedicated article or the Canopsis documentation.


  • Supervision pilots
  • Application managers

Added value

  • Relevance
  • Decision support
  • Continuous improvement
  • Valuation