Since October 2021, we’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with Un toit pour les abeilles (A roof for the bees). To mark the summer season and our almost three years of CSR partnership, we take stock!

Why are bees essential?

For some years now, the bee population has been facing a sharp decline, with some areas even disappearing altogether. This phenomenon, known as Colony Collapse Disorder, means that hives are being emptied, with no bee corpses to be found nearby.

If pesticides are thought to be the main reason, the cause is more plausibly multi-factorial. It includes:

CCD is very worrying… Not least because of the bee’s importance to the ecology as a pollinator.

These foragers help to :

A few words about Un Toit pour les Abeilles

With its network of some 100 partner beekeepers, Un toit pour les abeilles promotes artisanal, local and respectful beekeeping.

This organization has also grown into a national movement to support beekeepers by sponsoring hives.

Sponsoring bees not only helps to preserve them, but also biodiversity as a whole.

To date, more than 21,000 beehives have been set up, the equivalent of more than 861 million bees!

To sum up our CSR partnership

As you already know, for every new client of our Open Source hypervision solution, we sponsor the installation of a beehive (+/- 40,000 bees) and the planting of 1.5 hectares of flower-filled fallow land in France.

Over the past few years, this has meant a total of:

With this partnership, Canopsis is proud to be involved in the preservation of these insects, essential to biodiversity and ecology. We wish long life to this great project… and to our partnership, of course!