Fonctionnalité Canopsis Roadmap arbres de dépendance dependency trees

Use dependency trees to graphically represent all the dependencies within your IS!

Active feature 100%

The dependency trees graphically models IS services, with different levels of impact and multiple priorities.

The Cartography module can then visualize the prioritization of alarms improving SLA compliance.

Here is an example of rendering:

Dependency trees - Example
:bulb: Update 2024: State compute method to create additional rules to the “worst state” rule. They are of two types:

  • State is inherited from dependency(ies) responsible for final state
  • State is defined by a share or number of dependencies of a specific state

For more information on the dependency trees and many other features, visit the Canopsis documentation (in French, please use your browser translator to read in others languages). Any unanswered questions? You can also discuss our team directly via the contact form of our website.


  • Supervision pilots
  • Application managers

Added value

  • Relevance
  • Decision support
  • Operational efficiency